Of the people who do know one or more, freedom of speech, freedom of belief and the right to education the most frequently mentioned.
The College of Human Rights did research into the perception of human rights in the Netherlands on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day. By this 1066 adults participated and 314 children between 12 and 17 years. They believe in human rights violations especially discrimination, racism and refugees.
Most respondents believe that Netherlands must do everything we can to protect the human rights of refugees. One in ten states precisely that human rights should not apply to refugees.
"The uniqueness of human rights is that they apply to everybody in the Netherlands", says President of Adriana Dooijeweert of the College. "This result shows that not everyone takes it for granted." She argues that there is an important task for the government to make people aware, to start school.
Among children the right to education is by far the best-known human right. Furthermore, they are particularly concerned about the rights of refugee children and children who have problems at home.
Is stopped at the International Human Rights Day at the thirty rights that every person, including the right to life and liberty. They were on December 10, 1948 in the Universal Declaration of the United Nations Human Rights.
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