Defense should be a severely traumatized Lebanon veteran pay compensation because of poor aftercare.
That the Central Appeals decided. It is the first time that the highest court (social and administrative law officials) makes a judgment in a case of a Lebanon-veteran.
It's a boost for Lebanon many veterans who have been fighting for 30 years for recognition of their complaints. Christian Kriznaric from Bellingwolde (Groningen) early '80s was like 18-year-old conscript sent to Lebanon, where a UN peacekeeping force (UNIFIL), the armed forces of Israel and the Palestinians had to keep apart.
Kriznaric held at the mission post-traumatic stress disorder over (PTSD), for which he was treated only after 2006. According to the Central Appeals Tribunal, the Defence veteran before, during and especially after the expulsion received inadequate care. He received no information about any psychological problems and was not offered timely assistance. Managers also failed to turn services for the veteran.
The Defence can not demonstrate that PTSD would also have occurred if indeed it was given adequate care. Thus, the Defence failed to fulfill the duty of care and it is liable for the damage psychological damage. The council sets aside a previous decision of the court. In a first reaction Kriznaric says to be especially relieved. ,, I am happy but also very tired, '' he says.
He has 50,000 euros paid to their care and he has recovered more than half. The other part has gone to a bailiff because of high indebtedness as a result of his psychological problems. ,, The money we lost, '' said his friend Marga Blinck. ,, We have had 10 years of misery in our struggle for recognition. Hopefully we can now close a chapter and other Lebanon veterans helped with this. ''
Hefty fee
Two years ago, opened the Central Appeals a similar ruling in a case of former Dutchbat soldier Dave Maat. The state was to him when pay substantial damages for lack of follow-up after the fall of Srebrenica (1995).
This statement is again a hefty setback for Defence - after the council previously a former Dutchbat soldier in the proposed right. So far Defence refuses to pay damages to other traumatized veterans. In all, more than 350 claims on the shelf. © Christian Kriznaric from Bellingwolde. © Erik t Wout.
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