Twitter warns by government-backed hacking

Gepubliceerd op 14 december 2015 om 15:26

Twitter has warned several users for any hacking attempt that is supported according to the social network by a government. It is not clear which government it runs.

The affected users are notified by Twitter, reports the Financial Times.

The hackers include phone numbers, email addresses and IP addresses of specific Twitter users seized. Among the victims are cryptographers, journalists, activists and security researchers. Twitter confirmed to RTL Z that there actually has been broken into their systems.

According to Twitter, it is a "small group of users" that are attacked by the hackers. This group of users received an email where Twitter warns of the hacking attempt.

Supported by the government

Twitter reports that it is a 'government-backed hacking. However, the social network does not explain why the government suspects of a hack attack, but said the attack might actively investigate. Furthermore, Twitter can not yet communicate about the hack.

Many hacking attacks according to rumors are supported by governments, where the objective is to collect sensitive information.

So is there by US and European companies often pointed to Russia and China, while standing in the leaked documents from whistleblower Edward Snowden that the NSA Brazilian oil giant Petrobras spying. © Getty

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