Eindhoven prohibit seven foreign 'hate preachers' to come to the city. They were invited by a Muslim foundation this week to attend a conference.
Mayor Rob Gijzel had the arrival of the men yesterday banned, and the court in Den Bosch gives him in right now. Of the speakers are known to previously have said bad things about Jews, gay people, unbelievers and women's rights. They also found that Muslims should join the jihad.
Against Jihadism
Before he made his decision yesterday, Van Gijzel asked what Dick Schoof, the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism (NCTb), found on their arrival. Who now says he is pleased that the judge also said that the ministers should stay away. Schoof last year started a special program of action against jihadism.
Foundation Waqf, which the seven men from Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Kuwait were invited in April had already discredited after inviting a Saudi Islamic spiritual
RTL News / © Reuters
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