Hoogeveen make residents of the refugee center and youth from the Drenthe municipality each other's lives miserable. In recent days, there were several incidents, 'over and over again' clap his cases.
The police speak of fighting factions, pushing and shoving and shouting matches. Especially at a supermarket in the center, the situation would have escalated a few times. There were refugees at the outlet treated to a beating by violent youth. And conversely misbehaved asylum seekers also.
Since last week there were at least five incidents and at least one wounded.
Random beleaguered residents
Occasionally, there would have been even no reason at all for a scuffle between two groups, says Mayor Loohuis of Hoogeveen against RTV Drenthe. Then seekers got 'just' from along. Or as Loohuis describes it, "There are just random people from the azc attacked by a group of young people we are trying to get into the picture who are young.."
Loohuis says no to have complete picture of the situation in his municipality. "It is true that we are aware that both sides over and over again tensions have arisen. There is no one group responsible for all incidents."
Asylum seekers moved
Several residents of Hoogeveen and residents of the reception center have now been registered, reports RTV Drenthe. To de-escalate the situation, some refugees have been moved to other refugee centers.
RTL News / © Reuters
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