KWF is the grant applications for research assessing different. The fund aims to respond more rapidly to new developments and hopes that more patients benefit from research results.
"We went there always assume that the result of research found the road to the patient," said Michel Rudolphie, Director of the DUTCH. "We now know that this is not always as effective."
"Netherlands sits in the World Summit in the field of cancer research, but it's still going too slowly."
"Michel Rudolphie, Director KWF" and therefore is going to change.
Money often goes to projects which perhaps only about twenty years showing, so-called basic research. That type of research, the support of the DUTCH, but the Fund aims to shift the focus to the faster translating results into practical applications.
To do this, the DUTCH poet on the skin of the researchers. The Fund aims to interim know how it stands with the feasibility of research that has received grant and possibly adjust the grant. That means possible cessation or reduction. The DUTCH also wants to avoid too many researchers are working with the same type of research.
More public participation in the patient in addition patients get a more pronounced voice in the research process. Patients and ex-patients who sit on the Advisory Committee of the DUTCH patients go from now assess every KWF, with the exception of the fundamental, basic investigations.
Each year gives KWF 100 to 120 million euro on research to combat cancer.
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