Anouk, pregnant with her sixth child. Good news, you might say. But no, there comes directly heated debate between supporters and opponents. ,, One half of Netherlands still adheres to the traditional family, the other half less. ''
Certainly. There were also sweet comments on Anouk's message that she and her new 21-year-old friend Dominique Schemmekes gets a sixth child. In the order of: "Wonderful for you, girl!" But the Internet this week flowed remarkably well enough full of anger, disgust, and sometimes even anger.
Whether the 40-year-old singer has or by the "earth becomes overpopulated. That with "all those kids' different men a" terrible example "is for teenage mothers. They leave education "reattach" to highly paid babysitters.
Irene Bell, editor of Aside, there should be a little chuckle. For "there is nothing that Anouk does or says no fuss caused? Consider: Anouk's attack on Black Peter. Or Linda at her remark that she only men with a certain type of member wants (eh, large). ,, Anouk Anouk distracting because they not care about the opinion of others situated leaves behind. ''
But it does say something, De Bel. The current negative reactions to "something fun" as a pregnancy. According to her, to make the first of a "clash" between different image programs. ,, Okay, she's a rock singer, but she is also a very convincing mother hen. Apparently, however, we find that all together a rare combination. ''
Sacred cows
Such a discussion is saying Ringer something about the prevailing norms and values. ,, Netherlands is in many ways just more conservative than we think. Anouk and kicks with such a sixth pregnancy from a fourth man apparently too many sacred cows over. That you form one family with one partner. But that partners still have to have a bit of the same age. ''
According to Mark Veermans foundation New Family Not to talk about the cliché that it is primarily men who have children with several women. ,, Even it does Anouk off course. Actually, she is a symbol of a kind of matriarchal family form 'which is not the father, but the mother is in charge.' '
Veermans, which publishes a magazine about "new" blended families since 2009, is a bit shocked by all the hoopla. ,, You can see that immediately bubbling up all kinds of prejudices on the Internet. That the children of Anouk here or under must suffer for example. While that all is not said when Annette and the kids have a good relationship with the father. ''
According to Jan Latten, chief demographer at the CBS, fierce debates arise precisely on that one point where about half the population disapproves of something and the other half cheers. ,, That would live in such a discussion about Anouk also be the case. The fact that the sanding because one half still is committed to the "traditional" family, while the other half which has much less. ''
Although Anouks household in many ways very different from the Dutch average deviates, you can see her best as precursor of slats. ,, I will not say that her way of life in the future will someday be the norm, but that we are in the midst of a population trend all together where those classic 'keystone' is becoming less common. ''
Veermans hopes that all discussions are bearing fruit. ,, Anouk might just also be an important role model. That you can do as a mother differently and that's fine. ''
For Bel Anouk're an inspiration. ,, We can, I think, all follow the example of someone who really walks its own path. And that attracts them nothing of such a discussion on the Internet. ''
By: Eefje Oomen / © Anouks
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