A Dutch rejection of the EU treaty with Ukraine could lead to a continental crisis, Jean-Claude Juncker said in NRC Handelsblad.
The President of the European Commission is concerned that Russian politics will benefit from a 'no' in the referendum to be held in the Netherlands on April 6.
During the consultation, the Dutch can express themselves on the association agreement that the European Union has concluded with Ukraine. The agreement facilitates trade between the EU and Ukraine and the Ukrainian economy needs a boost. Opponents to the treaty is the prelude for an EU membership of Ukraine.
The Kremlin is fiercely opposed to the Ukrainian-European rapprochement. Under pressure from Moscow the previous Ukrainian government refused to sign the treaty. That led to a popular uprising and the overthrow of the pro-Moscow government and the departure of former president Viktor Yanukovych.
"I say, watch out, this (a Dutch 'no', ed.) Can change the equilibrium in Europe without threatening the citizen, he must be well aware of his responsibility." Juncker said in the interview with the newspaper .
Juncker does not hope that the voters will use the referendum as a consultation on the European Union. Therefore, the Dutch politicians must speak out clearly and campaigning for a 'yes' vote, finds Juncker. "Government have signed this agreement with Ukraine, and I expect everyone he defends it too."
No own campaign
The Rutte is not going make a campaign on the referendum, but the ministers have to actively participate in the debate, said Mr Koenders of Foreign Affairs last fall.
The referendum is non-binding, the government will advance not answer the question of what happens to the results.
NOS.nl/ © AFP
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