Het Rode Kruis en het Wereldvoedselprogramma van de Verenigde Naties hopen zondag of maandag te kunnen beginnen met het brengen van eten en medische spullen naar drie belegerde steden in het zuiden en noorden van Syrië.
The inhabitants are cut off from the outside world and in some cases have nothing to eat.
The aid agencies are now busy preparing for the convoys including rice, sugar, canned food, baby milk and medicines. They hope that the warring parties, they still leave this weekend in the besieged cities.
In southern Syria are approximately 40,000 residents of the city Madaya deprived of basic necessities. The town is in the hands of insurgents, but it is surrounded by forces of President Assad.
Malnourished residents must sometimes eat their own pets or houseplants to survive. According to MSF, there are certainly 23 people died in Madaya.
Even in the places Foah and Kefraya in the northwest would rule famine. Those places are in the hands of government forces, but are besieged by insurgents.
In total, there were about 400,000 Syrians in besieged towns and cities do not have access to basic necessities.
NOS.nl/ © AFP
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