The young Iraqi asylum seeker who Saturday afternoon has hung in the AZC the Alphense prison, acted out of desperation about his stay in Alphen aan den Rijn.
That says President Akram Saeed of hope for refugees. This Foundation regulates, among other things, language lessons, clothing and support for the procedure for the 1140 Alphense refugees. ,, The Iraqi wanted to return to his native country and went to the COA ', ' says Saeed, directly to the AZC, when he learned of the suicide.
Welcome,, the COA said there had to be an appointment to return, because the Passport is taken upon receipt in Ter Apel. The Iraqi thought he could pick up his passport and went to Ter Apel. There they sent him back to Alphen. He felt so sent from pillar to post, that he has made an end. '' According to the Foundation the past period there were already multiple suicide attempts.
,, Many of the men from Syria are distraught because they do not for their families, they have to leave, can provide '', continues Shwaki. ,, They are in great uncertainty about their procedure, cannot work on their future, not make money and need only wait. ''
Bunched up the Foundation sent a letter last Wednesday around about the untenable situation in Alphen: a lot of people on a bunched up, people get not a penny, have nothing to do with it, the food is way below par (bread that are unused expired) and a regime similar to that in prison.
,, So walk there are prison guards around ', ' says Saeed. ,, One of them, a Moroccan, said in Arabic against the brother of the Iraqi: he has committed suicide, so he goes straight to hell. Horrible thing to say. Should people work here that with these refugees. '' Visit the Director of the AZC Alphen is Saturday asked to comment, but had no time for. Monday comes Second House Member Joel voordewind (Christian Union) to the AZC to listen to the complaints.
Residents of the refugees went recently in prison in Alphen aan den Rijn in hunger strike, because they because of their sexual orientation would be gëintimideerd by other asylum seekers and one case even assaulted.
Hans-Paul Andriessen/© Atul Dani
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