Several children from Etten-Leur recently received a letter from Werkplein Etten-Leur which was actually one of their parents intended.
The letter said sensitive information about the low income of the parent or parents.
Patricia van Dongen was stunned when she read the letter they just in time from the hands of her 8-year-old son snatched. She did ask if D66 councilor made to the church. "Something has to change. I do not want it to happen again. This information is not intended for children's eyes," says Van Dongen at Omroep Brabant.
23 000 letters
It has Werkplein, commissioned by the municipality, 23 000 sent letters to point people to the group health insurance that they can use. The letters stated that the insurance is intended "for anyone on a low income."
"I've already gotten several responses parents who have experienced the same", said Van Dongen. The municipality would not currently respond to the error, as counsel questions were asked. "We answer always the direction we Raadsfractie for answers to the press," said a spokesman.
Making it could go wrong and how many children have been given a letter is still unclear.
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