WhatsApp deletes its paid subscription. Instead, it wants to earn the money to the contact between users and businesses.
The platform will remain ad free. For a few years, new users can WhatsApp one year free 'try out' and must then pay 89 cents. Many people already had an account before the model was introduced and have never paid money.
At a technology conference in Germany said WhatsApp CEO Jan Koum that this formula does not work so well. For some, the annual pay of 89 cents an obstacle, because it requires a credit card is required, according to the CEO. He wants to ensure that people do not use the service thereby.
Customer Contact
Instead, WhatsApp is targeting the growing group of companies and organizations that via WhatsApp easy to get in touch with customers. That is now already possible, but in conversation with technology magazine Wired says the CEO that they will use this further.
"I see before me that soon you can ask for a restaurant via WhatsApp when there is place, then given three options offered, and equally one can select" says Koum.
Still unclear
How exactly the service will make money on all these companies is still unclear. Many companies already use WhatsApp and pay nothing for it. It may be that companies get a fee tailor-made features, making WhatsApp as a kind of customer service system will function. Whether it is for instance possible to send a fee at once tens of thousands of people a message.
Nando Kasteleijn. Tech Editor / NOS.nl/ © Reuters
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