They are there almost every night. A group of three or four men. In dresses. With beards. And bonnets. In the light they can be seen clearly, stabbing them against the black of the night.
I see them from my kitchen. Every night - I'm sick of it. The message they convey.
The men gather in the Islamic school that adjoins my backyard. During the day I see the kids in the schoolyard. Fairly normal boys who make noise and play football. After years of balls over the fence stairs, they have now learned that a ball does not come back and that Ms Umar commanded you back over the fence if you even just in your head gets an attempt to climb over it. Back! Without ball! Battlements. Ring the bell. Apologize. And ask if you can return the ball: those are the rules. There are also girls in the schoolyard. Nine out of ten wear a headscarf; a few soccer with.
Previously, ever, when Theo van Gogh was murdered and not even the Islamisation would not run so fast as tea drinking Gutmenschen was done giggly about the headscarf. It was "a personal choice". It had 'only' at puberty. Today we do not talk about it, the sexualization of children in Islam is the legalized version of pedophilia but hey, believe huh? Everything is possible. A whole generation of children is literally in my backyard, indoctrinated from childhood on the supposedly submissive and sexually deviant position of women, girls. How is it that we have administrators and politicians in the Netherlands, which here laconic about it? How is it that we have administrators and politicians in the Netherlands, looking approvingly at the indoctrination of young children that they, that their faith is superior? They separated from white blond-haired children who speak Dutch at home can grow up and be doomed to a poor command of language and consequently a non-career?
Last weekend, the caps were not there, but the space was taken up by headscarves. By Muslim women in shapeless robes. My heart broke. That the women themselves so beat up, have no self-respect and believe this hearing is to to it. But this kind of figures, along with men in dresses stand for the class, young children absorb information like a sponge, that fool of all boys and girls may not; that they are superior to white babies and that prayer to Allah makes them better, makes me sick. Sad. And depressed.
I took a picture of those women.
I put that photo on Twitter.
I appeared to have committed a criminal act.
But the only criminal body no government here, our government, which allows young, born in the Netherlands and adolescent children should be indoctrinated by people who our society, our way of being rejected and despised?
© Ebru Umar /
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