If you're engaged, you should stay away from each other. No kissing or wheedling, even hand in hand should not run.
This remarkable statement coming from Diyanet, the highest Islamic authority in Turkey, which also runs mosques in the Netherlands.
What fun is engaged, according to the agency, is a complete mystery. "Betrothed couples hear each hand does not hold. Also, they should not live together, flirting with each other or together without others to be there. Islam disapprove, "reported the imams Monday on CNN Türk.
Talking is allowed
Engaged couples are allowed to talk with each other to get to know each other better. They may also buy presents for each other, says Diyanet.
Diyanet, the "presidency for religious affairs', falls under the Turkish government and the imams are employed by the Turkish government. The organization of the Turkish mosques, both in Turkey itself leads as in countries like the Netherlands.
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