Opponents of the possible arrival of a refugee center in Heesch, sent a bullet letter to the council.
This was reported to the police. The letter and bullet were seized by the police.
Let the police carry out a technical study to investigate who sent the threatening letter. Also they call people who know more to report on themselves.
Annemieke Boellaard, leader of D66 in the municipality, the letter calls an outrageous action. "This is not the way how to go hear with each other and how to discuss this issue," she tells BBC News.
Boellaard says it "crazy" to find that opponents in this way make themselves heard. "Bernheze is just a town that actually listening to criticism of the people. There is still nothing solid, so I think these actions and disturbances very strange, "she concludes.
Earlier this week, was a protest against the possible arrival of a refugee center in Heesch out of control. There were eggs and fireworks at police and the town of Bernheze where Heesch covered thrown.
Zoe Over / Metronieuws.nl/ © Reuters
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