The University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) this week takes a "gigantic" freezer storage in use, the size of a sports hall.
The freezers are material preserved from participants for the thirty-year Lifelines Research internship.
For five years the UMCG busy with the realization of the freezer. "We have had to carry a lot of testing before we could start using the storage. That moment has now come," says director Saakje.
Tissue Research
LifeLines is a scientific research project which is running since 2006 in the provinces of Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe. In this study, 165 000 residents in those provinces followed thirty years.
The idea is that scientists who want to examine a particular disease or a relationship between diseases, the database can ask for material that they need for a particular type of research. The research is a reflection of society. From young to old. The database contains not only details of sick people.
In 2012 was presented at a symposium which the database up to that time had been handed over to results. Among others, the genetic mechanism underlying the disease Dupuytren was elucidated with the aid of data from the database.
"It takes little time and I find it a good way to make a contribution to science." Kees Guikema is 73 years since the early days and take part in the screening program.
It was his doctor who Guikema asked him to join. Most participants are asked by their GP. "I have a good relationship with my doctor and I had a good feeling with the purpose of this database." His spouse and son are participants. After the intake is Guikema summoned twice to cooperate. "This involves completing questionnaires, for example, blood pressure measurement and also deliver relief." Guikema today may exceptionally, take a look in the storage room.
When researchers study the data to see something different, the participant them informed.Apart from Guikema not hear back what 'its data' yield. "That does not matter, I'll leave that to the scientists."
Source: © Life Store Groningen LIFE LINES
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