"I think that can be spoken of a cover-up when the available information is being withheld deliberately," said Marten Oosting in reaction to the news that a backup ICT professionals with important information about the Teevendeal in 2014 were not allowed to investigate further.
Oosting stressed that his committee has had access to e-mail files and files of relevant staff of the Ministry of Security and Justice. In those files, nothing was found indicating a request or instruction to stop the search for the receipt.
Oosting asked Ministry staff also to provide confidential information to the committee. "From that invitation was not used."
Nieuwsuur message today that ICT employees of the government in June 2014 to the statement of the Teevendeal had detected almost. They were working to restore the file, which was on a backup, but were ordered by the leadership to stop.
It is not known who exactly gave the order to cease out of the receipts data. In response to the information that has overtaken Nieuwsuur, the Oosting Commission reopen the investigation into the Teevendeal. This is done at the request of Minister Van der Steur.
Questions Oosting
Oosting late Nieuwsuur know that he wants to answer some questions. "Who had the conscious and with whom information is shared?" Oosting also want to know who took the decision to stop the investigation into the receipt. "And who are then notified of the holding of this investigation?"
Finally Oosting writes that if his commission had known this, he wanted to answer these questions. "On this basis we can judge whether one can speak of a cover-up."
Source: NOS.nl/ © Reuters
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