In the Netherlands are 9972 students short or long time at home that do would have to go to school. There are more and more children, 5077, which no longer have to go to school in their community because they have a serious mental or physical disability.
This is evident from the figures for the school year 2014-2015 which controls the Ministry of Education to the Lower House today. The large number of truants is also past school barely declined (in 2013-2014 were 10,680 children at home). While the high number of children is compulsory, but not go to school was just one of the reasons to introduce appropriate education. For all students, including those who need extra care or attention in class, had to find a suitable place in school.
Sander Dekker Secretary of Education is particularly alarmed by the increase in the number of students who have received an exemption from compulsory education. ,, Exactly that number had passed should decrease appropriate education. "Parents need a doctor's certificate to apply for such an exemption. Half of the exemptions are given to children who have ever sat at a school. ,, Apparently they were on some point to go to school. " Dekker makes investigate the reason for the increase.
Well its now expanded opportunities to provide customized education. Children, for example, easier part of the week to school instead of the whole week. The effect should be reflected in the figures for the current school year.
The Secretary of State does not conclude that appropriate education has failed. ,, This is only the first year after the introduction of the law. I do think that it is not going fast enough. "That some municipalities are doing better than others, for Dekker evidence that appropriate education or to work. ,, If you really work them then. Can"
The figures are also broken down by municipality. It shows that one municipality has far fewer truants than the other. ,, In Rotterdam alderman Hugo de Jonge example awfully good, while there has possibly the toughest kids in his city. The number of absentees that is not enrolled in school as significantly lower than in Amsterdam. "
"Home Sitter Stop '
Dekker hopes - like last year - that municipalities are encouraged by the numbers to put more effort into reducing the number of truants. He organizes for this spring a 'home-seater stop. ,, In Rotterdam, call the school attendance officers to, ask where the child is and what's going on. Hands-off-the-sleeves mentality to apply more churches. "
According to the Secretary of State, he can not solve everything from The Hague. ,, At the same time, I also stabbing the own hearts. I must ensure that there is a stick behind the door. "So will Dekker that each region is clear who decide on the matter. ,, Many students are on the cutting edge of education and care. On the question of who is responsible, looks everyone to each other. "
The Ministry distinguishes between children who are enrolled, but do not go to school (4016), and children who are not registered at all at school. This last group has decreased from 6714 to 5956, is due to the increase in the number of students who have received an exemption.
The number of students no longer need to go to school because of religious concerns, increased from 575 in 2013-2014 to 619 students last school year. Dekker announced earlier that opportunity to curb
By Hanneke Keultjes / Source: © Reuters
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