Drug use among youth and young adults in Oudewater is a much bigger problem than has so far been adopted by the city council. A study by the Public Health Service shows that there is many hundreds of users in Oudewater.
,, There is tacit acceptance around drug use, '' observes alderman Ad de Regt. An GGD report overview shows that nearly 40 percent of youths between 19 and 24 years used drugs or has done. It also appears that 6 percent of the 13 to 17 year olds cannabis (have) used.
The research was conducted in the western part of the province of Utrecht and the Lopikerwaard further shows that more than half of 15- to 35-year olds in the surveyed area in recent years, drugs have taken her.
,, These are enormous numbers, '' finds De Regt. Therefore, according to him and Mayor Peter Verhoeve time for action. ,, The use of pills in Oudewater is relatively high. We now want to really know the truth. "" That is why coming months not only sewage examined for traces of drugs.
Also follow discussions with the council and with experts. ,, Think of GPs, welfare organizations and people from education, '' says De Regt. ,, It's not that we do not know which is used in Oudewater drugs, the figures are only getting tougher. This is a big problem here. There is a smoking gun. It seems very easy to obtain drugs in Oudewater. ''
Environmental education
Recently, another dealer of the road is picked thousand ecstasy pills in his car. Yet Verhoeve states: ,, The social nuisance by drug use is minimal '' But that does not mean that Oudewater acquiescing to the situation.. De Regt: ,, The report reveals that many parents do not find such a problem that their children use, partly because they themselves have been users. Of that "educational environment" scare me. ''
,, It is necessary to address this problem, '' he adds. The directors point out the health risks and social risks of drugs. The Public Health Service did not respond yesterday because the report has not yet been discussed in each municipality.
Marco Gerling / Source: AD.nl/ © Reuters
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