There will be a debate in the House about the safety of Shell Moerdijk. MP Stientje van Veldhoven D66 that has been requested and that the request be honored, says BBC News.
Following is the news that Shell months undetected carcinogenic ethylene oxide gas could leak out. That situation lasted for weeks. Earlier, the Dutch Safety Board had already announced an investigation into the greenhouse gas starting with Shell.
MP Van Veldhoven calls the situation at Shell worrying. "We already had the incident in November with the fire and flaring at Shell Moerdijk. Now we have over the news about the long-term gas leak."
"I want the minister to know how we will make sure that companies who say that safety is important, so let this happen. Because people worry and I understand very well."
In the debate in Parliament she wants to know why renowned companies such as Shell have not made up internal control. It would also leave much to be desired Shell information to the public. Van Veldhoven has asked questions about the government.
Source: © Reuters
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