But the Sense former politician Kathalijne Kruif the need of the OM not in jail for laundering drug money and committing forgery. Against former VVD leader demanded a suspended prison sentence with probation for two years. Justice also wants a community service order of 240 hours. Writing RTV Utrecht.
The Kruif was a member of a criminal organization which was engaged in the cultivation and sale of hemp. According justice demonstrated by wire tapped telephone conversations and videos she received that she knew the drugs practices. Against other suspects, including the partner of De Kruif were required this week to 4.5 years jail.
Expensive purchases
The VVD politician would have laundered through cash cars, buying a jet ski, a boat and a caravan proceeds from hemp. The stuff was in her name, but were not used by it.
In her house was a gas pistol and tapped telephone conversations did Sense But the statements that might indicate that she knew of hemp. So she said her partner "as water was giving" and she said on a plantation in Klazienaveen "That big?".
All the answers
The Kruif was this morning in court. She explained about arranged with her lawyer and also co-wrote. Last week knew the former politician to parry a lot of questions from the judge. They stated inter alia that the sale of jewelry had brought her extra money. "The Kruif really has answers to everything. If you can not any, then she tries to answer questions differently. She remains calm," said reporter Mark van der Wel of RTV Utrecht when the case.
The prosecution today demanded against De Kruif six months in jail, five of probation. The month that remains she was already in custody. In the case of De Kruif plays its exemplary turd as a politician. On the other hand they therefore received much attention in the media and can lead to a lower sentence.
The ruling is on 10 March.
Source: NOS.nl/ © Reuters
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