The second room has great difficulty with the plans of living minister Stef Block to scheefwonende also still some more rent to pay Oaps.
Initially he wanted this group (67000 cases), but Tuesday he came suddenly on back. A proposal of PvdA and CDA to the seniors still to be exempted from the extra rent increase for scheefwoners, the Tuesday probably.
Scheefwoners, people who sit in a social rental house that actually too cheap for them, get up to a rent increase of 4 percent plus inflation.
For example, because the elderly are less likely to get a mortgage, they first wanted to Block the increase. Tuesday revealed that he'd rather this advantage grants to families from four members. PvdA and CDA now propose both groups out of the wind.
Hind legs Barry Madlener of the PVV was after submitting this proposal Thursday on the hind legs because he had the same plan worked out. He finds it no style that PvdA and CDA submitted the amendment on its own, but who say that they already were working and good coverage.
Madlener remained angry, but opt for the elderly and will vote with PvdA and CDA. Albert de Vries of the Dutch Labour Party said afterwards that he did not meestemt with the same proposal, also of the PVV "since it is not covered and we already not so much with the PVV vote." SP and Christenunie want the elderly also respected, just like the VVD and the financing is correct.
Housing corporations earning both groups is the matter with the housing associations and other social landlords of houses 13 million euro 2 million. PvdA and CDA thinking this to straighten out with a certain set off home improvements, but how things turn out is tricky to calculate.
Liane de Guzman of the elderly bond ANBO welcomes the action in the room: "Minister Block will be corrected and that's a good thing. As happens too little to the serious shortage of suitable senior housing. "
Income-related rent increase Tenants with incomes of more than euro per 1 July 44360 a maximum increase of 4.6% in total. That includes inflation.
The rent for the lowest income may with up to 2.1 percent rise. For the group in between the maximum increase of 2.6 percent.
Landlords may decide for themselves whether they have the maximum increase or that they hire less hard.
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