A spokesman for Justice confirmed news reports to that effect Friday by NRC. It comes to Lucas van Delft, which Prosecutor is in the arrondissement of Zeeland-West-Brabant.
According to NRC, he suspected that he last year under a false name to the police message has done that people would be going to liquidate him.
After the message of 12 november last year, the police very extensive security measures while post was not clear whether really a threat was. Of Delft is pending a criminal investigation suspended.
Serious crime suspect justice according to NRC the officer who for eight years was responsible for combating organised crime, formally of the offence the heavy official coercion. There is a penalty of up to four years in prison.
In an interview that Saturday appears in NRC says of Delft "frankly recognizing" that he has made mistakes. He says that he himself to the police is going to announce that he would be brought to life because he could no longer against the stress of his work.
He is repeatedly threatened with death since the beginning of 2015. "I'm out of balance by the stacking of threats hit", says Van Delft.
Source:: NU.nl/ANP/© photo REUTERS
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