The lack of clarity about the missing radar data of flight MH17. Netherlands and Ukraine give a contradictory explanation of the contact on the issue. This is shown by a new declaration by the Ukrainian Government.
In the written statement says the Ukrainian Ministry of transport that Dutch questions about radar data since January 2015 no topic of conversation more were:,, it has not on the agenda. ''
The written text-only spread in Ukraine and in the possession of this newspaper-is at odds with what Minister Ard van der Steur last Thursday to the House wrote. The Justice minister cited the report by the Research Council to: researchers have still in Kiev in March 2015 talk about radar images with the Ukrainian authorities. The discussion on the radar data has been raging for several months and flared this week. The issue in three questions.
Which radar images exist concerning the MH17-disaster?
The Research Council has gotten the image of Ukraine that air traffic controllers on their display: see a map with colours and codes of flying devices.
This image is by a computer composed of two different radar systems: the primary and secondary radar. The secondary radar system on board aircraft that sends information to the ground, such as a code (' I'm MH17 '), speed, altitude and location. Ukraine has also provided this information.
The primary radar, which is now so much about to do is, is a radar system on the ground that searches through the air to aircraft. It records only that something flies on a certain spot in the sky. The Research Council has this rough, primary data. Ukraine says that the data do not exist, because this radar stations on 17 July 2014 in maintenance. There is a lot of doubt, because with this data had researchers can check if something was missing on the screens of air traffic control. Experts find it strange that all radar stations in maintenance.
What was the fuss this week?
Looking for answers, including journalists of this newspaper, traveled this week to Kiev. They spoke with the former State Secretary of transport of Ukraine, Volodymyr Shulmeister. He sat in the Ukrainian Government Commission for MH17.
Shulmeister said:,, we got all information requests about table. A request for raw radar data has never sat between. '' That was quickly interpreted as if the Research Council data at all never had asked, but the question was explicit about the rough primary dates. Also was referring to the period that he was in the MH17 Schulmeister-Commission was, since January 2015.
After the outstanding statements made by Shulmeister against the AD, the associated press and Elsevier came the Ministry of transport with a written statement. The Ministry says is indeed to have supplied data, all on 23 July 2014. That in itself is correct: the include the display data. But that Shulmeister not referred to.
About the radar data the Ministry writes that since Shulmeister was part of the Commission, ' not these questions have been on the agenda '. And:,, he was a member of the Commission of inquiry late January 2015. '' It would mean that no request is received after January 2015. That is at odds with the Dutch reading, that in March still travelled to Kiev.
Van der Steur wrote Thursday to the second Room that researchers in March 2015 in Ukraine have been talking with authorities, "including with Shulmeister itself '. ,, The visit yielded data on but no primary radar data. ''
Where do we go from here? This is the riddle about the radar data greater than ever. Whether or not there is still about the primary radar data after January 2015 spoken? And how credible is the Ukraine's assertion that their radar stations were accidentally during the disaster in maintenance?
The Research Council and Van der Steur say no need for further information: the Research Council stresses that additional data will not change the conclusions. That is probably true, but the data may provide additional evidence for the launch of a BUK-rocket and they can answer the nagging question: Ukraine has something to hide?
Jeroen de Vreede/source:© REUTERS
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