Lodewijk Asscher (Social Affairs) Minister has that Friday to the House reported. The doctors are trained to by thousands of people with a disability pension to assess whether they they now are able to work.
Last year showed that many people no longer see doctor for years after they've rejected in full or in part. The Trade Union of test doctors suggested that some ten years afgekeurden not be reassessed. There are people as possible at which in the meantime have been refurbished so no payment should get more.
' Starting point must be that in all cases where a reassessment is necessary, this also is carried out within a reasonable period of time ', writes Asscher. The UWV is according to him already started recruiting and training. From the second half of this year the first new test doctors at work. That supplies this year, according the Minister additional re-evaluations on 7800.
Without measures expected this year would lag behind with the UWV that a backlog of re-evaluations 16800. At the urging of the room does the Court of audit investigation into the work payments at the UWV. Member of Parliament Steven Villiers (D66) looks forward to that research. He is happy with the arrival of additional inspection doctors. ' It is not good as people unnecessarily in a benefit. That is not a social policy, but the exclusion of people and not see what people can do. "
Source:: NU.nl/ANP/© photo REUTERS
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