Iraqi refugee raped boy (10) in tv pool: "Was sexually emergency"

Gepubliceerd op 7 februari 2016 om 00:49

An Iraqi refugee of twenty has in a toilet cubicle of a Viennese swimming pool a little boy of barely 10 horribly raped.

media_xll_8381713-4.jpgThe boy was so bad that he had to be included in the children's Hospital for his injuries. The perpetrator realized his "big mistake", but claimed that it was a "sexually emergency" went. The crime was 1 december last year, but the Austrian police confirm it only now officially.

"I had not had sex for four months", brought the rapist in as pathetic apology. The Iraqi immigrant arrived in Austria in september was via the Balkans. He worked as a taxi driver in Iraq and lived in Vienna of the assistance.

The heavy facts took place in the toilet cubicle of the Theresienbad, where the Iraqi had led the boy to hand go. The man opened the door locked and meeting strip itself to the child. The little boy cried out in pain but was not heard. He then stepped down on the lifeguard. In the meantime, the rapist back to amusing on the three metre springboard. The lifeguard alerted the police and the suspect was arrested immediately on site still in pool attire. He confessed to the rape during interrogation.

Deliberately concealed to prevent incitement?
The perpetrator gave his "big mistake" and said that his victim "not for the life he had wanted to draw". But he said it could be "pronounced excessive sexual energy" in Austria no longer restrain. In Iraq he had had sex with a woman, he claimed, but not with his wife, who since the birth of their daughter "always sick".

The police would not disclose the matter first "to protect", but now confirms that a research was carried out into the 20-year-old Iraqi for rape and serious sexual abuse of a minor. The police spokesman denied that the case was aware from the media kept the population not to stir up against newly arrived refugees.

By: Yuri Vlemings/Source: Die Krone, Wikimedia/Thomas Ledl ( ) 

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