Soldiers can not pay more

Gepubliceerd op 7 februari 2016 om 01:11

Is is facing a huge financial problem, whereby the terrorist group can no longer pay its soldiers.

ba60863effe921a067da3ce7f4a0dd5a-1454795545-3.jpgDesert Warriors also has become more common. Because substantial problems with the troops, has lost a lot of territory in the past year to Kurdish troops and the Iraqi army.

That set analysts across from the Washington Post. The Western bombing seem to bear their fruits: the infrastructure around the oil fields, which IS to earn as much money knew, is to a large extent unmaintained. As a result, there is a huge deficit to the troops.

TOO LITTLE NEW FIGHTERS according to the experts IS also has very many problems with attracting new members. Is is in fight with all kinds of parties: in the South it becomes reduced by Iraqi troops, in the North by the Kurds and, to a lesser extent, by troops of the Syrian Government. Thereby killed many soldiers, but there is not enough growth. In addition, regular members of steps IS about to other extremist organisations.

Until recently grew IS relatively hard by fighters who pulled from Europe to Syria. The Europeans are very loyal to IS because they often do not for the money but out of conviction itself at IS connecting. But they have little experience with fight and die with clumps. Turkey also monitors the border much better, making fewer and fewer European IS-sympathizers are actually at IS.

NOT YET the FINAL BLOW that is not to say that the final blow IS now quick, alert the analysts. Is is known for its resilience. In addition, the enemies of IS strongly divided, which makes it more difficult to make one fist against IS.

Source: Verma/photo: EPA ( )

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