Collection agencies do people send unnecessarily frightened by concept subpoenas. The Consumers' Association calls them nepdagvaardingen and will send its "disproportionate and debatable".
Collection agencies make people unnecessarily frightened by concept to send subpoenas. The consumers ' Association calls them nepdagvaardingen and sending them "disproportionate and debatable".
The organization calls firms Monday to immediately stop.
Collection agencies may according to the law no subpoenas. That right is reserved to judicial officers. Collection agencies dodging that, according to the consumer association by speaking of concept subpoenas.
"These practices are not Prohibited, but it can be morally unacceptable," according to Director Bart Combée of the consumers ' Association.
"Put consumers as collection agencies and they hunt the details."
The Consumer Authority & Market (ACM) warned in november that collection agencies often threatening to measures which it is not competent. So they put consumers under pressure to pay anyway, even if they disagree with a claim.
The consumers ' Association reports that it receives many complaints about Famed, a company that sends and int accounts for many health care providers. Also those party threatens soon with seizure on the furniture, '' even for exposures of less than 2 euro '', said the organization.
Famed partners with collection agencies and bailiffs Office Credios Bosveld, and shares even a building with those two parties. '' Such a close link between debt collector and officer we find undesirable '', said Combée. '' It can lead to a far too fast going to court, which brings with it high costs. ''
Bron: 123RF
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