It was an extraordinary encounter between Norwood Thomas (93) and Joyce Morris (88). The two were lovers at the time of the Second World War, but then got sight of each other.
This week they were together 71 years later, finally falling into the arms.
The former lovers met in a hotel room in the Australian Adelaide. That was decades after they lost each other in England out of sight. Thomas Morris first met when he was a paratrooper from Virginia London landed. In 1944 led to a brief romance, but the war turned spoilsport.
Thomas was sent to Normandy and as the two were separated. Later he wrote her still from the United States that they had come to him to "my house to make a home", but she understood the invitation is not good and thought Thomas was married and wanted to leave his wife for her. That's why they refused the offer and the two went their separate ways.
Both Ms. Morris and Mr. Thomas married and had children. It only came to a reunion when they both were all alone again some time. Mrs Morris moved with her husband to Australia and divorced after 30 years of marriage; Thomas's wife died ten years ago.
Last year, Ms. Morris asked her son to try to find him. That worked, and recently the two already had a conversation via Skype. An online crow funding action yield enough money to arrange a meeting; Thomas went with his son Steve direction Australia.
Since the meeting took place this week so: "We will have two wonderful weeks," said Morris. "Find someone who love you and whom you love in the late years of your life, that's quite so special?" Thomas even calls it "the best thing that could happen to me."
The couple will also spend Valentine's Day together. Who knows not only maintains a get together for two weeks.
Source: Jurgen van der Hoeven / Photo: Video Still.
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