Heumensoord, until six months ago, the area was known as a beautiful piece of nature at Nijmegen, a beautiful pine forest where nature lovers found their peace.
Now some call it "a horrible place." Six months ago, resurrected here a mega-emergency accommodation for asylum seekers, a large tent camp.
Groups of residents of the camp were several times revolted over poor conditions in the camp. The National Ombudsman and the Board for the Protection of Human Rights to give the complaining residents Wednesday partly right: the reception should be much better and even harmful to asylum seekers.
What's going on in Heumensoord?
Heumensoord is by far the largest emergency shelter in the Netherlands. Stay nearly three thousand inhabitants, nearly seven hundred children. With a lack of privacy and peace result, the report states. Residents have trouble sleeping through noise caused by other residents. There is no place where someone can isolate, and anyone can walk in at all.
In the future, should therefore be prevented people in such large numbers are collected, the report states. And that intention Wednesday could count on support from different political parties. Green MP Linda Voortman even want "Secretary Dijkhoff an end quickly makes all the mega sites and bet on small shelter."
At the time the emergency in Heumensoord remains now -up to 1 June to see the Ombudsman and the Board improvements, including in the field of security. There is discriminated against each other a lot. Especially gay asylum seekers feel threatened and unsafe in Heumensoord. The Board recommends a counselor per reception center for asylum seekers who can address their concerns.
Minister Jet Bussemaker Wednesday responded: "destroyers and perpetrators have gone." If not who are the destroyers known, the victim might have to 'a very temporary special place. " But so-called safe houses where victims can hide, find them "as a principle undesirable. 'CDA wants to direct the residence permit is withdrawn by the applicants who are guilty of violence.
Because of the scale, there are also concerns about health. Most residents have respiratory disease, it says in the report. Daily is from 9 to 12 hours a doctor with two nurses present for medical consultation. For almost three thousand residents is that very little, says the Ombudsman.
"The queue at the medical post daily very long:. Fifty residents" At night someone would almost can not be helped with medical complaints. "All the complainants report that residents are sometimes so desperate that they attempt suicide," writes the ombudsman.
There is stolen within Heumensoord from each other, the Ombudsman adds. "Even when the machines we heard from residents that they were keeping an eye on their belongings while washing. Nowhere belongings safe. Especially mobile phones are popular, one can subscriptions / prepaid cards no longer afford to maintain contact with family elsewhere. Tensions rise. "The Ombudsman proposes to give asylum seekers Heumensoord living allowance.
The hopelessness and uncertainty play too many tricks on asylum seekers. There would be more and better information should be on the procedure for residents, says the Ombudsman. The boredom is great. Meaningful activities, the Ombudsman would like to see. And asylum seekers may cook something best "Explore whether there may be an opportunity somewhere to cook given instance near the reception," writes the ombudsman.
Bron: http://www.metronieuws.nl/ by Bianca Brasser Foto: ANP
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