"Gee, did you know it ahead of time?" It's a question that Martine Sitter after the birth of her daughter with down syndrome by virtually anyone got.
"A question that implies that down syndrome is something serious," said Sitter. "And that is unfortunately still with lots of people."
Weekly test it is feared that reinforced that image will be as Minister of health test for every decision a so-called NARROW-pregnant woman in Netherlands. With this blood test can without risk of miscarriage the risk of Down syndrome at the yet unborn child.
This test is available in Netherlands since april 2014 during a 2-year trial. But only women with an increased risk of having a child with down syndrome are eligible to do this test. The trial will run almost finished and in the House of representatives are now going to vote on this test for every woman. In Iceland and Denmark can among other things this for years, virtually all pregnancies with down Syndrome was found in this way, were broken off.
Worrisome "the Government sends the signal that something is down to be concerned to make", says Sitter. "In this test, in addition to weekly also on two very serious abnormalities tested. Disorders where the child is certain will suffer. A pregnant woman who NARROWLY-test, this may indicate that the chance of this terrible defects does not want to know, but they cannot choose to only on these deviations to test and so not on down. This sends the Government a certain way. "
Sitter is concerned that the pressure on women to do a test, if such a weekly test will be maybe just ' belongs '. "It will, of course, always the choice of the woman herself to that test, but if it is accessible and everyone test, then increases the social pressure to test."
Tuesday was by parents of children with Down syndrome a black book to the Second Room offered. SCHIPPERS asked very well about the negative consequences of a SIP-test for everyone to consider. Parents also hope that something is done to the negative image that many people still have of children with Down syndrome.
' Delicious toddler ' Terra, now 3 years old, by her mother described as "a delightful toddler '. "She is rumored, she runs around, she is just as healthy and happy as my other children. Of course: things sometimes go slightly slower. A child with down is different, but no less. A child with down part. "
Yet Sitter up walls. "find a primary school for Terra, there went a way to advance. It was about her not her talk while they once knew. There is still so much fear of the unknown. "
We are drifting towards a society virtually any downloze, then the walls for the children who are born with down even higher still, as is feared.
Source: http://www.metronieuws.nl/ door Bianca Brasser Foto: heleenzeegers
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