Netherlands nationality can be withdrawn in more situations. Now you can already after a conviction for terrorist offences but also in people who are punished for giving or following a terrorist training.
A majority in the Senate on Tuesday embraced a bill to do so by Justice Minister Ard van der Steur.
Taking Dutch citizenship
Citizenship can only be decreased if people also have another nationality. Otherwise, it would lead to statelessness and that is not in accordance with international treaties. The minister is the one who decides to take Dutch citizenship. He can do so only if the judgment is final. The person can still challenge this decision in court.
n the Senate were especially SP and GroenLinks against. The parties consider the measure disproportionate and ineffective. Moreover, in their eyes, leads to unequal treatment between people who have one or two nationalities. The Senate approved on March 1 on the proposal.
Source: by: Metro & ANP Foto: ANP
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