Russians have especially the reputation that they are fond of vodka, but a Russian who had just woken up from the anesthesia after surgery could think to only one thing: beer.
He therefore decided, in hospital attire, to flee the hospital and to stop at the liquor store.
To the liquor store
According to The Siberian Times had the man, whose name is not mentioned, the nurses in the intensive care unit asked for a tasty beer, but who had obviously refused. Then he decided, dressed only in a white sheet, himself but to look for an alcoholic beverage.
As the scantily clad man walked the streets of the city of Sayanogorsk, where it was not exactly warm. According to Russian media was the temperature at the time when the man escaped 16 degrees below zero.
No beer
Moreover, the trip proved the man for nothing. The liquor store staff refused to sell the man beer and took instead contact the police, who arrived a few minutes later. With a van the man was then taken back to the hospital.
The hospital is to figure out how the guy from the hospital was able to escape.
Source: by: Jurgen van der Hoeven Photo: Metronieuws
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