In a Kuwaiti newspaper, the spirited Saudi journalist Nadine Al-Budair settled with her fellow believers. She criticized the indifferent attitude of Muslims towards terrorism committed in the name of Islam.
"You Imagine that you are in constant fear should live for attacks on Christians?" She throws up.
In her provocative article in the newspaper "Al-Rai" she's doing a what-if scenario revealed that the West is no longer a victim of terrorism but they commit themselves. So Al-Budair claims that its believers have to imagine even that Christians in the Middle East descend to kill Muslims.
suicide Bombing
"Imagine that a young man from the West come here and commit a suicide bombing in the name of the Cross in a crowded public place," the journalist wrote. "Imagine that two skyscrapers collapsing in an Arab capital and the massacre claimed by an extremist Christian group." The aim of such attacks would be always to the Christian doctrine to revive the Middle East and to live again like Jesus in his time.
Al-Budair goes even further. "Imagine that we as tourists go to their countries where they shoot at us, cars blow up in our neighborhood and so clearly show their aversion to prove our presence."
Such scenarios seem unthinkable for Muslims. They are just following this woman for years to have good jobs to live without fear on European soil, to enjoy free education and good social security. "But how long will this continue still?" The journalist expresses its concern about the strained relationship between Muslims and Christians in Europe. "Imagine the reverse, namely that Christians at us there can all enjoy and that our sons one of them out of hatred and blood lust ruthless massacres in our markets, newsrooms and in our mosques?"
Nadine Al-Budair is one of the most famous journalists in the Arab world but also controversial. "Yet she is taken seriously," says Daniel Gerlach, an expert on the Middle East and editor of the renowned German magazine Zenith. "Many young Muslims are proud of her and feel supported by her and represented."
Read the whole article at: Source:, Focus, OE24 Photo: Facebook / MEMRI.
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