The hardliners had spoken to the chief on the manner in which his wife and daughter were dressed. The man, a Chechen recorded it for his wife and daughter and was hospitalized. Meanwhile, tensions between the Chechen and Afghan community member, writes the British newspaper Mail Online.
Hardliners who swear by Sharia law attract more and more common in parts of Vienna. They go there check in bars and clubs and the women are dressed according to their strict laws. According to the newspaper exists in a part of the population fears that some districts no-go zones "are. Especially the Chechen Muslims endorsed by the Sharia patrols.
Meanwhile also increase tensions between the Chechen and Afghan community in Vienna. Last weekend it came to riots in which fifty men, mostly young people from the two communities clashed. According to police, the riots were the result of a dispute on Facebook and about forty Afghans attacked a dozen Chechens on. Six Afghan asylum seekers were arrested. The other attackers, the police were quickly.
Thomas and Manuela Sonntagfruh witnessed the riots. "It's common to riots between young people in the city, but the battle of the past weekend was not normal," it sounds.
Police say that immigrants from Chechnya increasingly urban districts trying to get under their control. It often involves young people who practice martial arts and a member of several clubs. Renate Hofstatter also witnessed the riots. She always worried more. "I dare hardly alone on the streets. Other people around here are becoming more concerned."
Meanwhile, the police are also prominent in Graz station to make the flow of asylum seekers being put out of Germany to gain control. Now that Macedonia has completed the 'Balkan route', more and more refugees in Austria. Hundreds of thousands have used the route to take to Germany and Scandinavia. Source: Mail Online Photo: Thinkstock
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