The main ingredient in our favourite drink, hop, turns out to be surprisingly healthy and bacteria and disease may stop growing, meldtThe Mirror.
FABRICS Hop has not only the ability to give beer its bitter taste. There are two fabrics in which scientists hope to change in a drug; humulonen and lupulin. At the University of Idaho researchers are trying to see what the possibilities are.
Dr. Kristopher at the University says they "are very close to the trial and error", a method to use trial and error to get the right formula. His plan is to work with biologists and medical researchers to develop the drug.
HEALING Of lupulin has been known that it has medicinal properties. Thus, the means for years been known that it would relieve menopausal complaints. In addition it contains hopeïne and xanthohumol, an anti-cancer connection. Humulon contains antioxidants and antibacterial.
A beer does not not as medicine but who knows is the drink soon the basis of life-saving work.
Source: by: Ingelise Dave photo: Colourbox
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