Member of Parliament Louis Bontes wants now is tracked how many judgments in our country are not complied with.
If a court finds that someone you have to pay, that does not mean that that really happens. Thousands of decisions every year, often surreptitiously, not complied with. How big the problem and the frustration among many people, highlighted the many responses to an article last week in Metro.
WORTHLESS in this told Tamara Kucharek how, after a long and expensive legal battle finally had a judgment in which the Court ruled that they had to get 17000 euro of a family. A family who rented her house, but after the first month stopped paying.
Kucharek celebrated the verdict, thought her worries would be over, but more than a year later, they don't have a cent. Simply because the family refuses to pay and on paper the so-called no property and money.
Comments Via Facebook, email, Twitter and on, many comments from people in the same boat. All with a different story, but all of them have a judgment in hands, but still not a penny.
Politics with the reactions of victims we would fill an entire newspaper, but how many sentences there now annually are not complied with, is not known. In our country is not checked or court rulings in the civil law will or will not be complied with. It is estimated that the yearly to more than 100,000 statements where the defendants never pay.
Something where Member of Parliament Louis Bontes, VoorNederland of the party, really says to scare. A day after Metro-article he asked through written questions in the clearing of Minister Ard van der Steur (security and justice).
Bontes wants from now on track and which judgements annually are not complied with. If only through surveys or an annual sample. "If there would be figures, there would be targeted information can be given. Then there is better understanding in which cases an expensive lawsuit hardly makes sense, "said Balaji. "The feeling of injustice for these victims, those with high legal fees, huge."
Source: By: Bianca Balu photo: AWF
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