The ' no ' camp at the Ukraine-referendum has increased his lead, writes the Volkskrant on the basis of a poll of I&O Research.
The poll showed last month that the yes-voters had reduced their backlog.
The research team asked more than 2500 Dutch or, if they have to vote today, for or against the law approving the association agreement between the EU and Ukraine would vote. 44 percent against 33 percent answered for, and 23 percent knew it yet.
Without the ' I know niet'-option was 43 per cent of respondents for the Treaty and 57 percent against. At the previous poll was 57 percent against 45 percent for and, excluding votes from people who don't know it yet.
The researchers also asked whether those surveyed definitely, probably or not planning to vote. Of the group that definitely says to vote is 59 percent against the Treaty and 41 percent for. At 53 percent against 47 percent and probably this is for and at 59 percent against 41 percent and not going for.
In the group that today would surely vote, the group is substantially larger than the against-voters so for voters.
Attendance the outcome of the referendum only applies if on 6 april the rise at least 30%. According to the researchers, that number seems to be extracted. The percentage of people that says sure to go vote, was 37 percent in the last poll.
"But practice shows that the actual turnout is always lower," said one of the researchers. Yet he believed that including through debates and other attention the border of 30 percent will be met.
Campaign In the run-up to the referendum, several campaigns held by advocates and opponents of the Association Agreement. Over a hundred people and organisations have received funding to campaign.
Among the organizations that have received funding are also four political parties. D66 and green left go under more flyers for a for-voice. The youth section of the Labour Party focuses on a visibility campaign on ' stations ', also with the aim to let people vote.
The party for the animals is against and has it that let you know with a poster campaign and a internet movie.
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