A sick family member, financial problems or a big collision with a colleague. Sure half the workers calling in sick, has no
Arbo service Care of the case that concludes Saturday from the records of their occupational physicians.
"We keep it at 60 percent on the basis of the actual files '', says Thea Hanif, Board member of care of the matter, to leadership of an article in Trouw. The Association of occupational physicians (NVAB) suspect even that it's going to be 70 to 80 percent of cases.
Employers often TAKE QUITE according to Hullemans know not what is in their employees. They also too often focus on physical and psychological customers. "Executives need to be much more attention to these problems, as people get out of balance."
Executives may be early signals usually point out. Take, for example, more often free or employees are often distracted at work. If executives already described and then with someone in conversation and offer help, there may be a lot of sickness absence be prevented, says Hullemans.
SNOT NOSE according to Jurrian Penders, President of the Association of occupational physicians (NVAB), also play personal factors. "One employee is going with a snot nose to work while the other stays in bed and turn around again."
Hampton also believes not that people ' deliberately ' staying at home. "People choose not to. No one wants to voluntarily to the sidelines, but there often have many balls high. ''
"Workers who are sick, not fool us always Dahl: that is a very small part", adds Paddy with emphasis. "At most ill detectors play issues making them just overwhelmed at work."
Source: http://www.metronieuws.nl/ by: Els Anchor photo:?
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