The Amsterdam housing corporations undergo a metamorphosis. They will offer their homes at lower rent in the coming years. They must also indicate the end of the year what homes in the social sector and which ones they want to rent out commercially.
That is mainly due to the new Housing Act, which has been in force since summer last year. The law means a brake on the disappearance of social housing and rent increases, and fits the policy stance for lower rent and preservation of affordable housing that the Amsterdam college Thursday.
Initially wanted to VVD Minister Stef Block of living that corporations were shedding their free sector homes within five years. Corporations want everything under one roof. Study them with expensive law firms how they free sector part with a administratievescheiding and/or a legal separation inboard. ' Hybrid ' mixed forms are also in the picture.
The average Amsterdam tenant will be the impact of the new policy. Corporations go back to their ' core business '. Egbert de Vries, Director of the Amsterdam Federatievan housing corporations (AFWC): "like a House on the social part of the Corporation is rented out, it remains a social housing. This also applies if those houses above the rent border. If the residents go away and the House is resold, the rent under the border of 710.68 euro. That House remains so real a social housing. "
Subsidized at this time, these houses still in the free sector are rented out. If the separation between the social part and not the social part of the Corporation is created can no longer. Then a social housing of the social part of the corporations (the sgei part, (services general economic interest) only to the commercial area (non-sgei) move as the free sector-part the House of the Corporation the kóópt. This prevents corporations money from the subsidized social sector.
Also new is that corporations have to rent their homes at lower rent. 90 percent of their social housing they have to ' appropriate ' assign to the target with an income up to 95 percent to 39000 euros and tenants with rent allowance.
Inflation what it comes down to is that corporations have to rent out almost all social housing under the 586.68 euros for singles and couples, and among the 628.86 euros for families. In addition, the annual rent increase for tenants with incomes under the 39000 for language legally limited to one percent above inflation.
In the crisis years handles Amsterdam corporations, which were short on cash, any possibility to their homes expensive to rent or to sell them. Annual rent increases were more often used as an opportunity to improve their financial position. But, says De Vries, improves the financial situation of corporations. by: TON WOMEN photo: REUTERS
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