Justice progresses fifteen years cell for Muhammad c. (21) that, when eighteen years, his 74-year-old father ' like an animal ' would have ' massacred ', on 28 August 2013 in their House on the Third Hugo Grotius Street in Amsterdam-westerpark.
Mohammed C. senior was probably praying on his doily in the bedroom when he ' in a surprise attack ' 28 times in the neck, neck, torso and left arm was stabbed with a knife. His throat was partly severed. Three knives were missing from the knife block. Justice is plenty of evidence that Muhammad killed his father c. ' on a very vulnerable moment '.
He attended only one of the many brothers and sisters at his father in more than a year, since he previously had come to Amsterdam from Morocco to here the havo. Late in the evening of 28 August 2013 went Mohammed c. with a friend from the Indian Neighborhood (again) to the mansion, where the father was stabbed to death.
Agent A undercover COP has that friend later approached. That secret agent said he was sent by the detainee c., after which the friend would have told him how he had found his dead father with Muhammad, after which the friend convinced hit that Mohammed had killed his father. Mohammed c. would have known the murder's about '. The friend was passed out and eventually ended up in the hospital. Mohammed would have said that he "had done what needed to be done and that the ' friend ' very well knew why '.
Read the whole article at: http://www.parool.nl/amsterdam/vijftien-year required-after-butchering-own-father ~ a4264354/
http://www.parool.nl/ by: PAUL VUGTS photo: REUTERS
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