Stand up comedy there is nothing at: Moroccan mothers are sat mocro mafia. Almost as hilarious as Gooise women who claim was to be their kids hockey.
Last weekend was another silent for a criminal Moroccan dead, this time it was Nabil Amzieb who was beheaded. When cleaning my archives, I came out of nowhere two kutmarokkanen - as they were called in those days. Mocro Mafia sounds a lot fancier. 2003: silent procession to Driss (33) which pick up while you eat Mercatorplein decided to pull a knife and was shot by the police. 2004: silent procession to the Moroccan pickpocket Ali (19) was killed in a chase. Really pathetic all. Not.
Silent marches for dead criminals, yes, you guys Netherlands is disgusting. Netherlands discriminates against you, you Netherlands does not work placements for people with mocro name, you and your sister Netherlands Netherlands so. RESPECT! Yeah right. Netherlands, the country where Moroccan mothers was their mocro mafia kids are. As if mocro mafia kids due to someone else's upbringing are of Moroccan mothers themselves.
"It must be with all the killings." Gee Moroccan mothers that find the rest of the Netherlands happens to be, reasonably gevalletje where it should not be less less less, but just do not do not. And not only that murder of your mafia mocro kids must stop, even robbing, threaten, abuse, steal and murder of jewelers.
It is your children who are not Moroccan girls, boys, figuring elderly and vulnerable to rob, at best, "only". They live under your roof, and because you do not educate, do not send them to school, not control, not punishment, not on the right path hold, and indeed enjoy the robbery proceeds (read the book Mocro Mafia!) Are your kids petty criminals we all together suffer from.
Nabil Amzieb was 23 years and once a good boy. That slide dear boys and come in contact with mocro mafia is because Moroccan mothers their sons - and daughters - keep away from Dutch. Because you are sons - and daughters - fool that they are different and better than Dutch. Because you are sons - and daughters - to the Islamic clubs, school, sports send to mosque. Because you your job as an educational not cope and leave things to Allah and his Islamic robbers-cum deputies on earth. The only thing you do is give birth give birth birth. That would be quite a bit less less less able.
For Moroccan mothers, that you can mocro mafia kids, who sat brooding undoubtedly a terrorist attack involving Paris faded, there really fits only one response: we.
We also. by: by Ebru Umar Photo: Ebru Umar r / Metro
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