"Do you remember how beautiful and safe was Brussels? Not anymore, it's a different world!" The Republican wrote on Twitter. "The US must be vigilant and clever."
Trump has already referred several times to Brussels when he was talking about terrorism. "The radical Islamic terrorism is a big, big problem, not only for us. Look at Germany, look at Sweden, look to Brussels, it is a disaster," he said earlier this month during a speech in Florida. Trump Brussels also been described as "a hell hole" (a hellhole).
On the conservative news channel Fox News Trump even declared that his country "very, very vigilant" must be who admitted being in the country. In the event of a terrorist attack such as in Brussels, he would close the borders "until we understand what's going on." According to Trump is the global situation "out of control" and it will be worse.
http://www.hln.be/ Source: Belga
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