Rapist hit within 4 days 3 time in Amsterdam

Gepubliceerd op 5 april 2016 om 15:05

The man who in late January a woman at the Wenckebachweg Eastern seriously sexually abused, has made two victims in the same period. Including a sex crime in New West is linked to the same offender.

Een van de zedenmisdrijven vond plaats op een fietspad aan de Wenckebachweg.

In total, the man claimed the police would have made ​​within four days three victims. From surveillance images show that the perpetrator may have been his victims by bike from the entertainment district of Amsterdam chased and then abused.

These included right next Bijlmerbajes on 28 January. On images that were previously aired on Investigation Requested shows how the man aanfietst on the bike path at the Wenckebachweg against women, in the hope that she falls. If that fails, he lets himself fall, and then pretending to be injured.

The man stumbles to the woman who stopped to help him. At that time he grabs the woman and pull her toward the bushes. There they will perform fifteen minutes forced sexual acts.Following the broadcast of Investigation Requested came several tips inside.

Another serious sexual offense involving the same offender was involved took place in the Maassluisstraat in New West. The young woman was attacked in an elevator on January 30 in the early morning and sexually abused. Only when the elevator starts moving and stops on the sixth floor, the offender stop and flees.

The man robbed her of taking her phone. Which surfaced moments later in a phone shop, where the plane was offered for sale by a man. Also, these were images seen in Investigation Requested. It is not clear whether the man who sells the phone is the perpetrator of the sex crime.

The third case in which the man is linked is a rape Saturday night January 30th at the Sloterplas. This will in Tuesday Investigation Requested images are brought out, that shows how cycle the victim home. The other videos will be re-screened. Police urges people with tips to come forward.

According to the police there is not link with the brutal rape case at the edge of the Amstel last month. In addition, the victim suffered a broken eye socket and a brain haemorrhage.

 http://www.parool.nl/ BY: JASPER Piersma Photo: Mats of Soolingen

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9 jaar geleden

Filthy Moroccan.
Death penalty would be good.