Female staff of Air France may refuse to operate flights to Iran, because they are not willing to abide by the dress code in the Islamic country.
The leadership of the airline which has pledged today. Air France will from April 17 to fly three times per week to Tehran, but after landing have female pilots and flight attendants to dress according to the rules of the country. That means they have to wear a headscarf or other covering clothing.
Let them know
Women who do not want to have to let you know. They do not have to fly to Iran and will be assigned to other destinations.
Air France does point out that the dress code is not the idea of the airline. In Iran, women are required by law to cover their hair and all airlines serving the country must comply. The rules do not apply during the flight, just after landing.
http://www.rtlnieuws.nl/ Yahoo! News Photo: Air France
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