Parool columnist Rose Schlikker was Monday visiting The Hague. They discussed the desire of more than 82,000 people to take on stillborn children in the Key Persons (BRP).
Monday, she was with about five other sympathizers invited in The Hague for a meeting with, among others, Minister Ronald Plasterk (Interior) and Ard van der Steur (Justice).
Natasha Geyteman, mother of a stillborn baby and founder of the petition "I want to BRP!"was also present. Her petition has been signed by over 82,000 people.
Although Schlikker and Geyteman explicitly asked for admission to the BRP, Lake Sterk and Van der Steur suggested that a national register to set up. In it, parents can transfer the data of their stillborn child.
Schlikker: "We are not in favor of a separate register Something exists now though, and you do nothing about it, but I did not expect they would immediately come up with a promise for the BRP I see it positively, this... I felt that we were not taken seriously. it is in any case investigated the possibilities. And if there really what will happen, we still have to see. "
nowhere registered
Schlikker makes for a while hard for the registration of stillborn children.
Last year, she wrote a column about her daughter, which never recorded halfway through her pregnancy died but to her dismay state.
She received hundreds of responses, and decided in The Hague to work on.
Plasterk had previously through a spokesman that fail to meet demand at Schlikkers because the inclusion of this information is "not practical." Yet Schlikker took the call on Monday not unpleasant.
"There is at least seriously listened to us, and has shown great benevolence. According to Plasterk is complicated because old laws should be changed, and this is really a financial issue. However, it was agreed that certain formulations adapted in the Act will be."
unnecessarily complicated
One of the biggest questions Schlikker and his associates had unfortunately remained unanswered: why is there a distinction between children who die just before or just after birth. If a baby is born alive but dies a minute later, the child is included in the BRP.Otherwise, the child is deemed never to have existed, the law says literally.
Schlikker: "I never understood that line the only difference is whether a child dies in the womb or just outside, we have asked several times to, but the answer we were not..."
"Jaap Doek, professor of children's rights, it was he said." Let me see the Code which states that stillborn children are not credited. " And also did not respond. The situation is unnecessarily complicated, and where the reluctance comes from, I still do not understand. "
Before the summer Schlikker and Geyteman promised a follow-up appointment to discuss the results of the investigation. BY: HANNAH stove Photo: Floris Lok
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