A numb blind woman and her guide dog the day before yesterday brought home by the police in The Hague. She had been waiting hours for a taxi, but did not take her dog. "Very sad," commented KNGF Guide.
A numb blind woman and her guide dog the day before yesterday brought home by the police in The Hague. She had been waiting hours for a taxi, but did not take her dog. "Very sad," commented KNGF Guide.
The wife wanted a taxi home, but "several taxis refused to take her because she had a guide dog with him," the police Hague writes on Facebook. "Because the woman came by and was cold, we have her and the dog eventually brought home safely."
No incident
The police are calling it "an excess" that the woman has to wait so long. "They had to wait for three hours until she could finally go home, of course, is anyway not normal," said a spokeswoman for KNGF Guide. "But that blind people are rejected by taxis because they have a dog in, no incident."
It has long been a problem: people who get a guide dog relief be refused for years unjustly in certain public places. "We hear it unfortunately quite often. For example, in shops, restaurants and taxis."
Prohibited by law
The foundation has therefore been done multiple tests with so-called mystery guests: people who try them inside or somewhere allowed with a guide dog. Also, they showed that the dogs are often refused.
In 2014, Wild Wilma Mansveld, then Secretary of State for Infrastructure, capture by law to public places and public transport guide dog should not refuse. Taxis are covered by that law.
Well educated
"Thus, also the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities will run faster," says the KNGF. "There is also the national legislation. The Convention was adopted Tuesday by the Senate and goes from 2017."
Just wait so, and then guide dogs allowed everywhere with their owners. "They sometimes refuse now, is because many people do not know what the function of the dog. They do not know how important a dog or doubt the education."
But people need is to worry about, the spokeswoman assures. "The dog is really very important and well-educated. They behave very well and go into a restaurant for example lying under the table. You will not even know they are there."
http://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nieuws/ door Yahoo! News Photo: Police Hague / RTL
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