Netherlands belongs to the group of rich countries where inequality between children is the smallest. According to a report by the UN children's fund Unicef.
The report "Fairness for Children UNICEF, the differences between children the richest countries in the world to the jaw. UNICEF likened the worst scores in terms of household income, educational attainment, health and life satisfaction of the average.
Largest gorge in Turkey and Israel
There are not many countries with so little disparity between children in the Netherlands. Turkey and Israel have the largest gap. Inequality in children is lowest in the Nordic countries. Netherlands ranks 6 out of 41
In terms of income inequality and health Netherlands scores quite high according to the latest figures. The research shows that 1 in 5 young people in the Netherlands daily has one or more health problems as headaches, back or abdominal pain, dizzy or nervous.
"Differences should not be bigger"
Compared to the other countries surveyed, the differences in life satisfaction in the Netherlands are the smallest. We also have the smallest group of children (over four per cent) 'life' the grade 4 or lower.
Dutch children are relatively satisfied with their lives. But when it comes to health, education and income increases inequality increased compared with previous studies, says Esther Polhuijs UNICEF Netherlands. "The Dutch government must ensure that those differences are not even bigger." door Yahoo! News Photo: RTL
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