110 people die every day due to cardiovascular diseases. But what can you do when people are aware of their unhealthy lifestyles, but no action? "Less pink eat cakes and croquettes, so difficult it is not."
Almost half of over-40s in the Netherlands is struggling with elevated cholesterol levels. This is evident from the survey Grip on Cholesterol among 5,000 people who carried out the Utrecht's cardiologist Judy Wittekoek. "70 percent of them are aware of it, because they have let the measure" Wittekoek tells RTL Nieuws. "But one of the three succeed but not how to do that."
"I was shocked by the results of the survey," said Wittekoek. She often sees enough people with clogged arteries in her practice. "That's such a shame, because there's simply what to do."
Silent disease
The big problem is that many people find it too abstract concept cholesterol. Wittekoek: "People know how heavy they are, people know how many cigarettes they smoke, but the cholesterol people often do not say much It is a problem that you feel nothing of high cholesterol is a silent disease and if you are unlucky... have been the first manifestation of acute myocardial infarction. "
The cardiologist said that people do not know the difference between good and bad cholesterol. "70 percent have just need more information."
Measure from a young age
According Wittekoek it's all about awareness: you do not need until your fortieth waiting with measuring your cholesterol. "If your cholesterol levels from an early age occasional checkups with the doctor, that helps tremendously. You do not have to shoot in the stress if your value is on the high side. But if you are aware of your cholesterol, are you going to deal with it gets better. "
And what can you do when you have to contend with increased value? "No pink cakes and croquettes food, go more for fruit and vegetables. And if you like meat, eat more lean meat. Anything that swims, flies and runs lean meat. So rather no pork or beef. High fiber food is healthy. And pay attention to full-fat cheese. "
Wittekoek does point out that it is very personal how fat metabolism works. "That is genetic. But beware if you are responsible for hereditary high cholesterol. Then you have 13 times more likely to have a stroke."
http://www.metronieuws.nl/nieuws/ By: Editor RTL Photo: Reuters
Cholesterol test, how does that work?
By blood tests. For that you can just go to your doctor. But mind you, a high value may be an outlier. There are several measurements are necessary in order to get a good picture of the content, because it naturally fluctuates. On the site www.nationalecholesteroltest.nl you can do a risk test. If the test shows that you have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes or kidney damage, then you are eligible for a free cholesterol measurement at a service pharmacy near you. There will be blood pricked. If it's necessary, you can create a follow-up appointment for further studies, but you have to pay.
More information about cholesterol on the site of the Nutrition Center
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