A boy of six from Rotterdam to the police, the hero of the day. He was alone with his sister nine months when the car in which they were suddenly flew on fire. But the boy remained calm and saved the life of his sister.
Police described on Facebook how it went: the mother had the same car parked in front of their home. She had in some suits and had asked her child to just look after his sister.
Car catches fire
When the mother was gone, the car flew spontaneously fire. The boy immediately ran to the house to warn his mother.
Beyhan Bakat mother leaves her children normally never alone, she tells the AD. Now they wanted to quickly some food for the little catch. When she was in the house, the bell rang: "Mom, the car is on fire," she heard. She looked outside and saw smoke rising clouds. She quickly ran three floors down to get to the car. "Because of all the stress I got her out of trouble with the car seat," she told the newspaper.
The ambulance had to come because the girl had inhaled smoke. The boy received a trauma teddy bear "and, according to the police at all proud. Beyhan mother is relieved and happy that everyone is safe and sound, she tells the newspaper: "He's always been caring for his sister."
http://www.metronieuws.nl/nieuws/ By: Editor RTL Photo: Police Charlois on Facebook
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